Monday, December 17, 2007

Jason Silver: Daddy's Lullabye, Afternoon is Hauntin, She Loves Me Not

More lyrics.

Here are some offerings from Jason Silver. The links provide recordings of the songs.

Daddy’s Lullabye
By Jason Silver

Close your eyes and don’t you cry
Go to sleep my darling
Daddy’s lullabye

Just goodnight and not goodbye
Sweetest dreams my baby
Drift off to the sky
To daddy’s lullabye.

Sleeping sweetly
Let me hold you tight
Breathing deeply
Soon the morning light

Afternoon Is Haunting
By Jason Silver

Midnight now, I'm waiting, wondering
Why you haven't called?
One o'clock Lord, I must close my eyes
Two goes by, then three, four, five,
Still you are nowhere near
Sleep would be great, but it's already eight,
And the afternoon is haunting.

Every afternoon I think about that place
I remember how the moon, it shone upon your face
I can still recall your eyes; they burn into my mind
And I can't forget the lies, but baby,
How I want to.

I can't believe the time, God
It's already half-past nine
I fell asleep at ten, just closed my eyes
I'll wait until noon, then one and two,
Man, has it been three years?
Four o'clock, I go for a walk
But the afternoon is haunting.

She Loves Me Not

I’m not able
To take these roses off the table
It’s been three long months of watching
Every tender petal dropping

Red is the colour
Of firey passion for a lover
Scarlet’s turned and walked away now
Like this flower, I’ve lost my way

She loves me, she loves me not
She wants me, or she’s moving on.
There is just one petal left and I can’t call it
And I dread the day that this last one is falling
She loves me or she loves me not.

The dust has settled
It’s covered eighty crimson petals
But eighty-one has got a hold,
And like my heart, it won’t let go

Time has frozen,
And I feel my heart closin’
The flower dies, the moment’s gone
But in my eyes, the memory lives on
[chorus 2x]


Anonymous said...

Hi Jason:

I was at FRWY on Wed., night. I wanted to tell you I enjoyed your music.
You have an easy voice and a person could listen to it for hours. I loved that I could actually hear and understand every word.

I over heard you speaking about what you write and why. Thank you, for being true to yourself.
The world needs more love songs and comforting songs. There is much to be said for easy listening.

Go for it!
I went to your site and enjoyed what I saw and plan to return. Again, thank you.

Shirley (FRWY Barista)

Thomas Wilson said...

Hi Jason -- I know you really wanted people to tear into you so I wanted rearticulate my criticism of your songs. Perhaps I wasn't clear, but I
was trying encourage you to take your songs a level deeper -- a deeper understanding of love beyond high school crushes and infatuation, something that touches on how people suffer, how love pushes us to extreme, even ridiculous circumstances (ei obsessing over a flower to foretell the outcome of a relationship). You can also try deepening your songs by delving into your character's psychology -- how is it that different people respond to love ? (I know that my wife and I had very different experiences falling in love, and continue to experience it differently) What is deeper than infatuation, what is that can sustain love? What makes it fail? These are question that might help deepen the meaning of your love songs.